Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Meet Peach - Our Newest Member of the Family!

Meet Peach! Yes she's a pig, and no we're not crazy! This all started back....well....when we had our first son. When he was 2 years old we began to notice the incredible bonding when he played with animals. It was incredible to see the complete relaxation and 100% love when he came in contact with a loving animal. The intensity was staggering. Ever since I've been wanting a dog for him when he was older, but my husband really dislikes dogs so the past 2 years we have been trying to come up with a comparable alternative.

We already had 2 cats which were not friendly to kids so introducing another cat was not a good idea. Finally my husband mentioned a pig. I love animals and I'm up for just about anything but I was totally surprised that my husband, who grew up in the suburbs of Chicago would ever mention having a pig! At first I thought he was kidding!

Not only was he NOT kidding but he was so excited about it within a day we were driving an hour away to visit pigs. The first set we went to visit were well over 200 pounds and WAY too big for us. We do live in a subdivision after all! The next day we hit the jackpot. We found a wonderful family about an hour away who we had been talking with that had medium sized pigs, about the size of a medium sized dog. It was perfect and they were only $100. My husband told her all about our son and how we were looking for a pig to use as sort of a therapy for him (much like a therapy dog) and she offered us the runt of the litter from her very expensive breed for only $200 - down from $1000! It was a miniature pot belly pig who wouldn't get over 20 pounds full grown.

After playing and seeing more than 40 pigs my son had made an attachment with this little runt of a pig - unknowing about the lady's offer to take her home. It was amazing and perfect. She was sweet, docile, and so gentle. The boys held her in their laps the entire way home and have held her constantly for the past 2 days. My son is absolutely taken by this little piggy whom he named Peach. I can already see the tremendous difference in him and he now has the responsibility of feeding her as well as taking care of her litter box. 

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