Thursday, April 19, 2012

$400 for 1 Hour of Therapy Consult!

I just want to cry. Most of this school year has been amazing. It's had it's bumps but for the most part (compared to a few years ago) things have been smooth sailing. Until about a week and a half ago when my son was due for his 5 year old shots. These are the same shots that he received the week before his seizure when he was 1 year old so I wanted to talk to the pediatrician about it. Even the pediatrician was a little nervous but felt that since he didn't start a fever until a week AFTER the shots it must have been a secondary infection. We agreed to do 1 shot at a time and come back in a few months for the next round. I was OK with that. BUT for the past week or so at school Dakoda has been having problems. His teacher said his eyes glass over and he becomes very withdrawn, distant, and out of character.....just like when he was 1 after his shots. I'm petrified. He's been feeling warm the past few days so my husband is stopping today to buy a thermometer to make sure he isn't starting to run fevers. Yesterday morning he was totally in a tantrum saying he hate school. I talked to his teacher about it and by the time I picked him up from school yesterday he was in the corner with pillows covering his face bawling. VERY out of character for him. All yesterday afternoon he was out of sorts. This morning he woke up from a dream about My Little Ponies and was LIVID that God hadn't teleported them into our backyard. It would almost be comical if it wasn't so sad. :( He went to school quite grumpy about it but I finally got him out of the house. When I went to pick him up from school today he was warm again and he had BIT someone at school. We haven't had this problem in more than 2 years, and the child he bit is the quietest most compliant kid ever. He's so shy and never fights with the other kids. I called the pediatrician today who wants to see him & is also sending us over to the behavioral therapist who is ULTRA expensive and doesn't accept insurance. BUT she is G.O.O.D.!  But at $400 an hour.....we don't have the money to pay for that but we don't have a choice  - we NEED help. We don't know where to go for it. Dakoda is SO freaking smart, he reads at a 2nd grade level yet he thinks flying ponies will come to see him (and not the robot kind he tells me). I just want to cry. I am TERRIFIED that this is starting all over again. I worked SO incredibly hard to get him where he is right now, I don't know if I can handle this huge of a setback.